Scott-Macon Equipment Completes ISN RAVS Plus Safety Interview

08-Apr-2024 Go Back

Scott-Macon Equipment recently completed the ISN RAVS Plus interview. ISN is the global leader in contractor and supplier information management. ISN’s platform serves as a world-class forum for sharing industry best practices, benchmarking performance, providing data insights among its members and helping decision makers ensure contractor and supplier risk is assessed and monitored. They support safe and sustainable business solutions in capital-intensive industries that supply essential products and services around the world.

ISN created RAVS Plus, which is an implementation assessment of a contractor’s written Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) programs that is designed to bridge the gap between the RAVS Desktop review and a hiring client’s onsite observations. An ISN HSE professional conducts the interview with members of safety/management from the contractor company and confirms that all responses meet regulatory and client requirements. Any gaps in knowledge are reviewed with the management team in an effort to drive continuous improvement.

As a contractor, developing a robust HSE program provides a framework for maintaining safe and sustainable operations. Hiring clients across all industries want assurance that these programs are put into practice throughout their contractors’ organizations, from the management level down to the people that touch their job sites. This helps ensure that what is written on paper in a contractor’s safety program is being implemented in day-to-day operations.

ISN RAVS Plus key benefits:

  • Additional level of due diligence
  • Identifies evidence of program implementation
  • Prepares contractors for hiring client audits
  • Drives safety culture improvement

The ISN Team assists companies throughout the process and provides resources to improve safety performance.

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